It was a dark night,and I was playing Pokemon Go. I caught a Lickatoung. Then I heard a weird noise. It was Midnight so I needed to get out of the pumpkin patch. I saw a tall figure in the distance. It said ” I want to suck your blood”. I ran and ran and looked back.It started chasing me. I made it home. I was afraid it would come back. I went to sleep then I realized it followed me home. Next Midnight I went back to the pumpkin patch. I saw the figure again and said “I want to suck your blood”. It tried to bite me so I ran. I realized I had a flashlight on my phone I shined it ,but it died. I was running for my life from the figure. It was running so I had to sprint. Then the figure roared and called its brothers to come get me. Then I found some pumpkins and made a giant sling shot. It was about to become call of duty. It wasn’t a battle it was a war. It was 15 against 1. I beat every single one. Then the vampire was next. I slammed him around around until he finally said uncle then he ran away never to be heard from again then I dabbed.